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PDO Threads & Facelifts – Partners Toward the Same End

Without a doubt, facelifts rank among the most popular and widely-demanded plastic surgery procedures in the world today. Practically no other procedure can achieve the same results for quite as long as facelifts can. But for too long, PDO threads have been seen as a competitor to facelifts, cutting into the market or limiting returns.

Thankfully for plastic surgery providers the world over, this simply has not been the case. Both facelifts and PDO Max Threads have existed in harmony with plenty of room in the market for both. 

In fact, far from being rivals after the same customers, PDO Max Threads actually compliment plastic surgery procedures and can serve as a valuable middle ground for reluctant patients. At the end of the day, offering both facelifts and PDO Max Threads at your practice can improve ROI, enhance customer satisfaction, and keep those valuable dollars in house.

Here’s how and why you should offer PDO Max Threads alongside facelifts at your plastic surgery practice.

Taking the Plunge

As a surgical provider, you’ve seen firsthand how patients react to discussions on surgical methods, anesthesia, incisions, and recovery periods. Other patients may be more concerned about cost or the ultimate results. In any event, not everyone is ready to take the plunge on surgical options. Simply put, some patients are reluctant to commit. 

Without a minimally-invasive analog procedure at your practice, holding on to that customer’s business may be more difficult than it should be. And with the proliferation and popularity of medical spas, it’s too easy for patients these days to find a procedure that matches their needs elsewhere.

How PDO Max Threads Can Help

PDO Max Threads can serve as a vital, revenue-generating middle ground for your more hesitant patients. Rather than enumerating the multiple benefits of facelifts or otherwise explaining the cost in relatable terms to the patients themselves, you could simply offer a corresponding PDO Max Thread procedure. 

Better still, you can suggest pairing a less involved surgical procedure with PDO Max Threads to further entice hesitant patients. This increases your profits and patient satisfaction simultaneously while holding on to valuable first-time or repeat customers. 

If your customers feel they lack an option between facelifts and no surgery at all, they could take their business elsewhere. So why not offer a middle ground and retain their business instead?

Let’s Talk ROI

As a popular provider of plastic surgery procedures, you’re well acquainted with your average ROI. You’re also intimately familiar with the procedure costs that eat bit by bit into that ROI. 

Starting with a customized procedure to match your patient’s facial features and desires, planning the surgery takes time on its own. Then you’ve got anesthesia fees, facility fees, and all the other nickels and dimes that come with operating a business. Thankfully, you still turn a profit. But what if you had another option that required less overhead while still allowing for significant margins? 

How PDO Max Threads Can Help

Your average facelift procedure lasts somewhere between 2-4 hours and requires multiple experts and assistants to complete. Priced in a way to invite business, you may charge around the average of $8,000 or as high as $12,000+. The PDO Max Thread procedure, by contrast, requires only 30 minutes to an hour to complete and doesn’t need a surgeon’s time or expensive anesthesia. 

PDO Max Thread packages come with everything you need to perform multiple applications for facelift-adjacent results. The cost per PDO thread package ranges between $90-$280 (depending on application and number of threads). When priced around an average of $2,250 to the patient, PDO Max Thread procedures open the door for a $2,160 profit per procedure. 

Crunching the numbers on income and ROI per hour reveals a nearly identical profit to you. 

Facelift Income

$8,000 (average cost to patient) ➗ 4 hours (procedure time) = $2,000 income per hour – expenses

PDO Max Thread Lift Income

$2,250 (average cost to patient) ➗ 45 minutes (procedure time) = $2,250 income per  ¾ of an hour – $90 (thread package cost) for a $2,160 ROI

Partners in Beauty

It’s natural to suspect emerging or disruptive technology as a malicious force. But most of the time, the new kid on the block and the time-tested veteran can exist in harmony to the benefit of all involved. PDO Max Threads and facelifts are no different. Together, they can diversify your offerings, increase ROI, and give everybody what they need to feel happy, valued, and successful. 

As a surgical provider, you’re perfectly positioned to breeze through our comprehensive in-office training program where you and your staff can learn everything we have to offer about PDO Max Thread applications. 

With your certification in hand, you’ll have an automatic rebuttal to reluctant patients who aren’t quite ready to take the plunge on surgical options. And, like your other procedures, PDO Max Threads keep profits rolling so that you can attend to your surgical patients without fear of losing business.

Working Together to Maximize Profits, Customer Satisfaction, & ROI

PDO Max Threads and facelifts walk hand-in-hand toward maximum profitability and customer satisfaction. By offering PDO Max Thread procedures, you both cut out the expensive middlemen and retain a middle ground option between surgery at your practice and no surgery at all. To get started with offering PDO thread procedures at your practice, check out our training program. To learn more about what PDO threads can do, visit us online or contact us today.


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